
Showing posts from May, 2017

SU-101 - 3 Marks of Excellence

Argued as being the worst Tier 8 TD by many people because of having the lowest HP of every Tier 8 TD (990), among the worst damage per minute values with the 120mm gun, and having only -2 gun depression. However I disagree, SU-101 is a specialised reconnaissance TD which excels in camouflage and having a short stature means it can hide behind the smallest bushes and trees without getting spotted from around 300m. Although the gun handling is brutally horrible, a fast and sleek TD should not always use their guns but also spot enemies like LTs and maybe flank at closer ranges like MTs. It has a hard time sniping from far distances because of the below average shell velocity. Having only 7 degrees of gun traverse angles on the 120mm gun forces you to reset your aim and can prove gunning down enemies even more frustrating than other TDs. What's worse that its coupled with 3.1 second aim time. Although using the 100mm gun loaded with pure HEAT rounds can greatly solve problems, it w...

T28 Prototype - 3 Marks of Excellence

It is better than the T28 in almost every imaginable way. However the T28 has higher damage per minute and overall armour. Some people say that the T28 Prototype can mimic the role of a classic HT, but in reality it doesn't have the armour efficiency and HP to stay longer in the front lines. Still having the same gun problems as the T28, it wouldn't snipe targets well. However thanks to having a free rotating turret, it can lead shots effectively. The 3 marks are easy and with not many complaints.

Foch - 3 Marks of Excellence

Not to be confused with F.C.O.H Japanese homo, the Foch earns it's reputation for being the worst Tier 9 TD in the game. With the biggest and most obvious weak spots on the roof and has -6 gun depression, the Foch can't hide well. It has the exact same gun as the AMX AC 48 and shares the same gun handling weaknesses but with slightly better aim time and damage per minute. Advertised as having the same track traverse as the AMX AC 48, the Foch actually has slower track traverse, WG is overrating the Foch. Having 1% camouflage better than AMX AC 48, it still is a big tank and 1% camouflage does not help at all. Having pathetic 3195 damage per minute, it cannot compete against other under-powered TDs like the Conway, SU-122-54 and T95. It still lacks armour on the front angled slope, many Tier 8 tanks would have no problem penetrating it. I had to use the 2 week wait method to get 3 marks because no way that somebody would play well consistently on a shit under-powered tank unti...

T28 - 3 Marks of Excellence

It is finally done in 140 battles. Although having more damage per minute than T28 Prototype, it has much inferior mobility. With an inaccurate gun and -5 gun depression, this tank is not the best sniper and hill brawler. Its armour can't be relied on too much, however it has a high tendency of bouncing off many shells from MTs at the same tier. I might be the first person in ASIA Server to get the 3 marks. However when the Koreans integrated into our server, a player by the name of ASR_ZZB already had the 3 marks before me.