
Showing posts from January, 2018

IS-7 - 3 Marks of Excellence

My 2nd 3 marked Tier 10 tank after the Object 263. I scored 8.1K damage in the final game and my marks rose from 94% to 95% in 1 battle. IS-7 is easy to master and its HP and overall armour & soft stats recently get buffed. IS-7 is excellent at blocking shots with the upper like nose, but it has to be positioned straight at the enemy while trying to be in a hull down position. Equipped with a 130mm cannon with great stabilisation values, it blasts shells effectively at close combat into the enemy's face without needing to aim for a long time. It's thick turret with no visible weakspots allow the IS-7 to face hug other enemies for additional protection and negate HP trading. Although it has great combat ability, it has a long hull and a pike nose that can't tackle around corners of buildings effectively like the T110E5. IS-7 is a very quick HT, it can cope with MTs to lead breakthroughs with armour and speed.

WZ-111-1G FT - 3 Marks of Excellence

WZ-111-1G FT is my favourite Tier 8 TD, I have 3 marks in only 77 battles. A gun that punches like a Jagdtiger, a hull of a WZ-111 with the mobility of Ferdinand, a camouflage rating of a TD that specialises in sniping. All that combined into 1 vehicle and you get the WZ-111-1G FT. It has high HEAT round penetration of 340 and has extremely high damage per shot of 560. It suffers from sluggishness and low HP and it canot afford to brawl against other HTs because the armour is not sufficient to withstand high caliber rounds from HTs. Being very weak against SPGs, it is recommended that it relocates from time to time.