WZ-113G FT in Advance Battles - My Opinion

The WZ-113G FT falls under the "Never Used" category of vehicle choice during competitive battles. All this poor armour combined with a large size results in unnecessary bulk, however this does not stop it from becoming a damage powerhouse for 14 other team members. Advantages: Can pivot between defensive and offensive tactics decently well. Very quick reverse and hull traverse speed. Able to out-speed Super Conqueror, T110E3, and defensive HT variants. Therefore performs corner-wedging assaults better than the T110E3. Nearly invincible gun mantlet. Virtually no frontal weak spots on the superstructure. Most of the time the enemy is shorter than the WZ-113G FT in height and will not reach the tiny cupola on the roof. HEAT shells can severely punish and counter HTs and MTs. Possibility of easily destroying Object 279 (e) is very high. HE shells has superb damage potential against soviet HTs and their similar variants due to caliber, penetration and damage. ...