
Showing posts from September, 2018

SU-122-44 - 3 Marks of Excellence & Review

I did this in my alternate account, my main account is inactive for sometime now. It took a very long time to get the 3 marks due to inefficient crew & equipment and my inactivity in WoT. The SU-122-44 has poor accuracy, long aiming time and poor armour penetration, this means that fighting at close ranges is almost more effective than sniping and flanking from long distances. The SU-122-44 has poor overall armour and must rely on hilly terrain to deflect shots using it's frontal armour, although the SU-122-44 cannot retaliate enemies in this state due to -4 degrees of gun depression which is abysmal for any type of tank. The SU-122-44 is to be handled like a MT, flanking enemies at medium distances and using it's high DPM to fatally wound groups of enemies before retreating to a safer position. The SU-122-44 has great hull traverse and average speed to counter enemy MT and HT of the same tier or lower. Although having great camouflage, it's survival rate is still way...