SU-122-44 - 3 Marks of Excellence & Review

I did this in my alternate account, my main account is inactive for sometime now. It took a very long time to get the 3 marks due to inefficient crew & equipment and my inactivity in WoT. The SU-122-44 has poor accuracy, long aiming time and poor armour penetration, this means that fighting at close ranges is almost more effective than sniping and flanking from long distances. The SU-122-44 has poor overall armour and must rely on hilly terrain to deflect shots using it's frontal armour, although the SU-122-44 cannot retaliate enemies in this state due to -4 degrees of gun depression which is abysmal for any type of tank. The SU-122-44 is to be handled like a MT, flanking enemies at medium distances and using it's high DPM to fatally wound groups of enemies before retreating to a safer position. The SU-122-44 has great hull traverse and average speed to counter enemy MT and HT of the same tier or lower. Although having great camouflage, it's survival rate is still way below average and care must be taken when engaging enemies. Overall the disadvantages outweigh the advantages of what a TD should require and it is not recommended for new players to buy the SU-122-44.


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