Clan Wars In ATLUS, Personal Opinions, Prize Redemption

The Results I am Sinful_Pride, a TD player who has joined ATLUS clan for the Fire Trail Clan Wars event. The event was 11 days long and battles popped at 15:00 till 00:45 daily according to Singapore time. My final position is 262, with 46289 fame points. Our clan was ranked 3rd for the campaign with 1554796 fame points. Each player will get a bond multiplier of 6 and the clan will get a gold pool of 100000. I have participated 66 battles in the event and have received the Damascus Steel style, a base of 800 bonds which will be multiplied by 6, and 3 commemorative medals. Personal Opinion I was not picked during the first day of the event because I did not have the required vehicles for the 10 vs 10 format in the Basic Front. Even though there were some battles in the 15 vs 15 format in the Advanced Front, the clan had a small probability of picking me due to the unsuitable maps for TD. During the second half of the event, I repurchased Object 907 in h...