「言語の壁」のためにクラウンから追い出された:Vioの物語の側面, Kicked Out Of CROWN Due To "Language Barrier": Vio's Side Of The Story


少し歴史から始めましょう。 2016年、CROWNでLT、MT、HTを使用しても問題はありませんでした。 それが続く間、私はそれを楽しんだ。 私のIGNはMidnight_Reverieでした。
I'm very sad that CROWN and ICPD clan members have decided to retaliate against me without listening to both sides of the story. This story has 3 perspectives; Vio's perspective, CROWN's perspective, and the truth. As said on Twitter, I will write this blog post about my side of the story.

Lets start with a little bit of history. In 2016, I had no problems using LT, MT and HT in CROWN. I enjoyed it while it lasted. My IGN then was Midnight_Reverie.

This is also proof that I was in CROWN in 2016: http://wotreplays.eu/site/2705072#stats

2016 was over and I joined other clans. In 2019, I returned to CROWN. This is the recruitment application from takape. I knew that TDs are not allowed in CROWN.

But 9 days later, this happened between katsutama and me:

  1. 日本語のコマンドが理解できませんでした。
  2. 私は特殊なTDプレーヤーです。つまり、Object907またはIS-7を適切に使用できません。
  1. 私は他の日本のクランに所属しており、コマンドを比較的よく知っています。
  2. IS-7に3MoE、Object907に1MoEがあります
Please take note that "language barrier" from katsutama could mean either that:
  1. I could not understand Japanese commands.
  2. I am a specialised TD player, and this means I can't use Object 907 or IS-7 properly.
The reason why I cannot agree with the language barrier is:
  1. I have been in other Japanese clans and I know the commands relatively well.
  2. I have 3MoE on IS-7, and 1MoE on Object 907

私を追い出す言い訳は本当にありません。 私は戦争中に与えられたすべての指示に従いました。CROWNのグループバトル(SH、進撃戦、CW)ではTDを使用しませんでした。

There is really no excuse of kicking me out. I followed all the instructions given to me during warfare, I didn't use any TD in CROWN's group battles (Skirmish, Advance, and Clan Wars)

This is the part where the story unfolds:

I started the protest against CROWN after the clan disbanded on February 6 2021.

なぜVioがクランから追い出されたのか、クラウンのメンバーに聞いた。 その間、「言葉の壁」についての私の意見は、日本語のコマンドが理解できなかったためでした。 その時、私は以前の日本の氏族から多くの経験をしたと言いました。

I asked CROWN members why I was kicked from the clan. During that time, my opinion on "language barrier" was because I couldn't understand Japanese commands. At that time, I said that I had a lot of experience from previous Japanese clans.

A day later: Morichan, who is one of the CROWN officers, engaged in the conversation.

I quoted Morichan and expressed my initial understanding of his opinion.

その直後、私と、ヴィオが一族から追い出されたときには関与していなかったクラウン将校との間でキーボード戦争が始まりました。 彼は私がCROWNでTDを使用していたという証拠がなく、賢く行動しようとしているだけだと思います。 私はクラウングループの戦いでTDを使用しなかったと何度も彼に話しましたが、彼はまだVioがTDを使用していると主張しました。
Shortly after, the keyboard war started between me and a CROWN officer who is not even involved at the time Vio was kicked from the clan. I think he is just trying to act smart with zero evidence that I was using TDs in CROWN. I told him many times that I did not use TD in CROWN group battles, and he still insisted that Vio used TDs.

When he said the portion highlighted in a red box, I got a new perspective of the language barrier. This language barrier from Morichan's perspective means that I kept using TD in CROWN group battles although I was told off several times that TDs are not allowed. This is not true at all, I ensured that I was using either Object 907 or IS-7 only.

Then it seems that Nipa from ICPD joined Morichan's side without listening to my side of the story.

After all this, I wrote an English summary of what happened between CROWN, ICPD and myself.

Nipaさんの事件の直後、Aqua_GreenもMorichanの側に加わり始めました。なぜWoTのコミュニティはそれほど一方的なのですか? 関係者全員の視点でストーリーを判断する方法がわからないのでは?(友達だと思っていたAqua_Greenがこの瞬間私を裏切ってしまったのはとても悲しいです。心が沈みました)
Shortly after Nipa's case, Aqua_Green also started to join Morichan's side. Why is the community in WoT so single sided? Don't people know how to judge a story by listening to the perspective of all the parties involved? (I'm very sad that Aqua_Green, who I considered a friend had betrayed me this moment. My heart sank)

Then I stated my frustration that the WoT community these days are very narrow minded.

But there was one person who actually considered my side of the story. It is kaneko from DUCE. I am extremely humbled, thank you for listening to both sides of the story.

私は決して悪役ではありません。 私は一族から追い出された理由の真実を探しているだけです。 誰もが、CROWNの司令官が正しいかVioが正しいかを自由に決めることができます。
I am not a villain by any means. I am only looking for the truth to why I was kicked out of the clan. Everyone, you are free to make a decision on whether CROWN commanders are right or Vio is right.


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