
Showing posts from May, 2018

Object 268: Extensive Review / 広範囲のレビュー

Welcome to the extensive review of the Object 268, a Tier 10 Soviet Tank Destroyer. This review aims to introduce the Object 268 to new audiences and to extensively point out the traits of the Object 268. Learning Objectives: To learn the history of Object 268 in WoT. To understand the differences between the Object 268, other Tier 10 TDs, and it's predecessors. To understand the advantages and disadvantages of the Object 268. To examine the best possible equipment, consumables and crew skills. To discuss the Object 268's most suitable playstyle. To understand what you can or cannot do in the Object 268. Tier 10ソビエトタンク駆逐艦Object 268の広範なレビューにようこそ。 このレビューは、新しい観客にObject 268を紹介し、Object 268の特質を広範囲に指摘することを目的としています。 学習目標: WoTのObject 268の履歴を知る。 Object 268、他のティア10のTD、およびその先行者の違いを理解する。 Object 268の長所と短所を理解する。 可能な限り最良の機器、消耗品、乗組員のスキルを調べる。 Object 268の最も適したプレイスタイルについて議論する。 Object 268でできること、できないことを理解する。 ------------------------------------------------------...

Celebratory Image: _Violence_ has 47 tanks with 3 Marks of Excellence


Object 268 - 3 Marks of Excellence

This is my third Tier 10 tank with 3 marks. It was my dream vehicle to spend my time on since the early days that I started to play WoT. I researched the Object 268 four years ago and I sold it due to my poor ability to play with this tank. In 2018 and after the major buff, I bought it back to pursue my long lost dreams. It has decent armour and mobility, with a cannon that can be frustrating to use due to poor gun depression angles and long aim time. To compensate this, it has great accuracy, great damage per minute and monstrous AP (303mm), HEAT (395mm), and HE shells that are great for dealing high damage without the need to aim properly. The Object 268 has great camouflage and great view range when equipped with Coated Optics, Food and crew skills. Although the Object 268 is packed with many obvious small weak spots, the Object 268 has no problems when it wiggles and makes unexpected movements. Extreme angles on the frontal side armor can shake off shells from many lower tier gun...

WZ-111G FT - 3 Marks of Excellence

I'm the 2nd person in the Asia server to get 3 marks on the WZ-111G FT. The WZ-111G FT is given a nickname of "Fat ISU". I'm at loss of words for this piece of crap... Where do I start? Frontal armour: Decent. It is able to bounce off shots from Tier X guns, however when the WZ-111G FT is slightly angled, the poorly armoured side plates will get hit, causing crew death and possible ammo rack damage. Both armour plates suffer when HEAT shells are used against it. Gun mantlet is extremely durable, it can bounce all HEAT rounds of every tank except from some TDs. However the armour behind the gun mantlet is extremely weak. Lower armour plate is garbage, many LTs can penetrate the armour easily. Side armour: Terrible. Many HE rounds can penetrate the side and expect the commander and the loader to die at the same time, possibly even the gunner. Not only crew death is caused, ammo rack will suffer too. Even if the loader learnt safe stowage, the ammo rack will st...

Lorraine 40t - 3 Marks of Excellence

My very first 3 marked autoloader tank. Although the 3 mark is common on the Lorraine 40t, I found it to be quite difficult as the standards are extremely high for a Tier 8 tank. For example, Skorpion G and T-44-100 (R) are Tier 8 tanks with high standards for the 3 marks. The Lorraine 40t is one of the most common MTs to be used in Tier 8 Skirmishes and Team Battles. With the ability to fire 1200 average damage of 230+mm armour penetration in a burst of 4 rounds, it proves itself worthy to decimate or severely cripple many tanks of the same tier. Although the Lorraine 40t has extremely poor damage per minute values, it still succeeds as a premium Tier 8 MT. Armour is terrible all round and modules are somewhat brittle, so escaping heated situations is necessary to ensure survival. A lone Lorriane 40t is defenseless once the autoloader is empty, so always go with other MT packs or flank from a distance. Boasting great speed, agility and decent camouflage for it's size, it has some...

UDES 03 - 3 Marks of Excellence

The UDES 03 was one of the most hardened patience testers of 2018 as the UDES 03 simply is reliant on siege mode. Siege mode forces the UDES 03 to have poor forward and backward speeds as well as a 2 second cool down to switch to travel mode. However when UDES 03 is in a right position, it can excel at sniping and flanking fast moving enemies and utilising it's -14 degree gun depression. When the hull is moving in siege mode, the accuracy bloom suffers greatly can could be as gigantic as a full moon. To compensate this, it is accompanied by a 2-3 second aim time. To engage in 1 vs 1 battles or close quarter brawls, using the right mouse button to lock onto enemies and waiting for the hull to reach a complete stop is utterly necessary to guarantee a hit. After a shot, running forwards past the enemy or using the 50 km/h reverse speed to fall back to cover would evade most of the enemy's shots in time. Hit-and-run methods are a great tactic in dire situations. Despite boasting ...