Object 268 - 3 Marks of Excellence

This is my third Tier 10 tank with 3 marks. It was my dream vehicle to spend my time on since the early days that I started to play WoT. I researched the Object 268 four years ago and I sold it due to my poor ability to play with this tank. In 2018 and after the major buff, I bought it back to pursue my long lost dreams. It has decent armour and mobility, with a cannon that can be frustrating to use due to poor gun depression angles and long aim time. To compensate this, it has great accuracy, great damage per minute and monstrous AP (303mm), HEAT (395mm), and HE shells that are great for dealing high damage without the need to aim properly. The Object 268 has great camouflage and great view range when equipped with Coated Optics, Food and crew skills. Although the Object 268 is packed with many obvious small weak spots, the Object 268 has no problems when it wiggles and makes unexpected movements. Extreme angles on the frontal side armor can shake off shells from many lower tier guns reasonably easily. Due to the Object 268 Version 4, it is an outdated TD. However it is still decently strong in the hands of an experienced player, jamming HEAT shells into the Object 268 Version 4 with ease.


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