WZ-111G FT - 3 Marks of Excellence

I'm the 2nd person in the Asia server to get 3 marks on the WZ-111G FT. The WZ-111G FT is given a nickname of "Fat ISU". I'm at loss of words for this piece of crap... Where do I start?

Frontal armour: Decent. It is able to bounce off shots from Tier X guns, however when the WZ-111G FT is slightly angled, the poorly armoured side plates will get hit, causing crew death and possible ammo rack damage. Both armour plates suffer when HEAT shells are used against it. Gun mantlet is extremely durable, it can bounce all HEAT rounds of every tank except from some TDs. However the armour behind the gun mantlet is extremely weak. Lower armour plate is garbage, many LTs can penetrate the armour easily.

Side armour: Terrible. Many HE rounds can penetrate the side and expect the commander and the loader to die at the same time, possibly even the gunner. Not only crew death is caused, ammo rack will suffer too. Even if the loader learnt safe stowage, the ammo rack will still get hit often.

Gun: Decent. Monstrous HEAT rounds, each of them causing 750 damage and 395mm of armour penetration. Poor accuracy and shell flight velocity causes many outrageous miss shots and excessive waste of credits. However at point blank aim, nearly all HEAT rounds all penetrate the enemy. Shells are extremely expensive, and the time used on aiming/reloading is expensive. HE rounds are super effective against hard turreted tanks. Damage per minute is slightly decent, 14 seconds to load is a little to excessive for a 152mm gun.

Speed: Terrible. Although the maximum speed is advertised to be 35 km/h, the average speed could barely keep up at 25 km/h on flat ground due to extremely poor power to weight ratio. Not only it's sluggish, it's hull traverse speed is absolutely garbage. Due to all these defects, the WZ-111G FT  often could not keep up with the battle pace. A lone WZ-111G FT is always a dead WZ-111G FT.

View range: Below average. View range can exceed 460m with coated optics, recon, situational awareness and food. However when the commander dies or the vehicle is stunned, it loses nearly a quarter or half of it's view range since crew skills are dependent on the commander.

Camouflage: Great. 32% when stationary and 21% when moving is exceptional for a slow and a large caliber TD. But since WZ-111G FT is mainly on HT support, there is not much camouflage to use.

Health points: Great. Although lower than Jagdtiger and higher than Object 704 and some other TDs, the WZ-111G FT can withstand punishment longer, thus being more survivable in the HT support.

Conclusion: WZ-111G FT is a terrible TD. Many players stop playing the Chinese TD line after Tier 7 because TDs will get harder to play and more deviated from speed and agility. Only the most eager TD players are welcome to try the Tier 9 and 10 Chinese TDs.


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