
Showing posts from March, 2019

WZ-113G FT - 3 Marks of Excellence

The worst Tier 10 tank in the game, bounded by countless limitations and pathetic incompetence. Nevertheless, it still needs at least 4000 damage for the 3 marks. It is obviously by far the hardest 3 mark challenge in my tanking career. Quick overview: A large and strong superstructure with a weak hull. The weak side cheeks prevents side-scraping tactics, which is a major disadvantage in city maps. Having a large superstructure acts as a SPG magnet. With somewhat high HP and quick hull traverse speed, it can trade shots with other enemies somewhat effectively. No weak spots are found on the frontal armour. There is a very small bump on the roof that acts as a weak spot, due to the sheer height of the superstructure, it is very difficult to hit the weak spot. Typical sloped frontal armour gains effectiveness when the vehicle is parked on a ramp, but loses effectiveness when the vehicle is flanked from a higher terrain. Medium sized gun mantlet is quite strong, but the gun is place...

ISU-130 - 3 Marks of Excellence

Done in only 93 battles, one of the most difficult TDs for the 3rd mark. The ISU-130 proves that high armour penetration is not really necessary for 3 marks. Because many people fail to understand the unique playstyle of the ISU-130, the standards for the 3rd mark is one of the lowest in the game. The ISU-130 boasts solid camouflage and view range values, perfect for passive scouting in bushes. ISU-130's strongest point is its monstrous Damage Per Minute (DPM), at a whopping 3608 DPM with standard AP shells and 4197 DPM with premium AP shells. Having an 8 second reload time with 490 damage with standard AP shells and 570 damage with premium AP shells allows the ISU-130 to heavily punish and decimate enemies with high HP pools quickly. However, the ISU-130 has a very dark and unique weakness: Armour penetration values. Having only a maximum armour penetration value of 215mm and only AP shells makes the ISU-130 completely worthless against other HTs and some MTs. To compensate for ...

AMX Cda 105 - 3 Marks of Excellence

A fun TD to use, but I stayed in 88% for a very long time due to my overconfidence. The AMX Cda 105 needs a lot of patience when handling the gun. I used to think that the gun has fake accuracy, this means that it misses more shots than it should. However, it is not true as the gun needs to be fully aimed at the target at all costs before shooting. The gun has below average damage per minute (DPM), so it is not a wise decision to engage in a one on one battle with other vehicles, choose targets carefully before shooting. Overall gun stabilisation is below average, moving the gun left and right looses a lot of accuracy and stabilisation is terrible on the move. To counter this issue, simply turn the hull to the desired target while holding the right mouse button, fixing the gun's position. This ensures that accuracy will be lost only by hull movement and not by the gun movement. The AMX Cda 105 has APCR shells with extreme shell velocity and HEAT shells with high penetration, perf...

Strv 103-0 - 3 Marks of Excellence

I underestimated the time needed to get the 3rd mark, I was stuck on 92% for a very long time. There might be less than 10 people on the ASIA server who holds the 3rd mark. The Strv 103-0 handles similarly to a fast HT, it can maintain 50 km/h on flat ground but it will struggle when cruising on softer terrain and uphill. Although the hull traverse speed is advertised to be much faster than the Strv 103B, it in fact is slower due to the terrible terrain resistance values. The gun could miss some crucial shots on unexplained circumstances, but will have a small chance of landing some lucky shots. The Strv 103-0 has some amounts of armour unlike the predecessors, capable of bouncing some shots from 100mm guns. Regardless of the 100mm gun's penetration values, it will still bounce the shots. However it has a slight chance of bouncing shots from 120mm guns. The armour still faces many problems against HEAT shells and the cupola is still very weak to HE shells. Without the frontal spa...