AMX Cda 105 - 3 Marks of Excellence

A fun TD to use, but I stayed in 88% for a very long time due to my overconfidence. The AMX Cda 105 needs a lot of patience when handling the gun. I used to think that the gun has fake accuracy, this means that it misses more shots than it should. However, it is not true as the gun needs to be fully aimed at the target at all costs before shooting. The gun has below average damage per minute (DPM), so it is not a wise decision to engage in a one on one battle with other vehicles, choose targets carefully before shooting. Overall gun stabilisation is below average, moving the gun left and right looses a lot of accuracy and stabilisation is terrible on the move. To counter this issue, simply turn the hull to the desired target while holding the right mouse button, fixing the gun's position. This ensures that accuracy will be lost only by hull movement and not by the gun movement. The AMX Cda 105 has APCR shells with extreme shell velocity and HEAT shells with high penetration, perfect for any kind of sniper that likes to hit targets fast and painfully. Both shells has great alpha damage, and has a tendency of flying in a straight line. The AMX Cda 105 has terrible all round armour, HEAT shells have no problems penetrating the armour from any angle. AP and APCR shells have a small chance of bouncing the frontal armour due to the angled plates coupled with the strong but small gun mantlet. Never engage other vehicles on the left side of the AMX Cda 105 because the large commander's hatch on the right side of the vehicle is a weak spot. Engaging enemies in this way will always get the weak spot hit even before the AMX Cda 105 is able to show the main gun. Due to the sheer amount of acceleration and acceptable all-round speed, the AMX Cda 105 is able to occupy key locations before other TDs. With great camouflage and acceptable view range with coated optics, the AMX Cda 105 is able to passive scout in bushes safely. The width and length is a little too wide and long, so it limits the AMX Cda 105's ability to hide in smaller bushes. Height wise is comparable to other smaller tier 8 MTs. Always stay hidden and never engage other vehicles alone. From now, the AMX Cda 105 is a candidate for one of my favourite TDs in the game.
