WZ-113G FT - 3 Marks of Excellence

The worst Tier 10 tank in the game, bounded by countless limitations and pathetic incompetence. Nevertheless, it still needs at least 4000 damage for the 3 marks. It is obviously by far the hardest 3 mark challenge in my tanking career.

Quick overview: A large and strong superstructure with a weak hull. The weak side cheeks prevents side-scraping tactics, which is a major disadvantage in city maps. Having a large superstructure acts as a SPG magnet. With somewhat high HP and quick hull traverse speed, it can trade shots with other enemies somewhat effectively. No weak spots are found on the frontal armour. There is a very small bump on the roof that acts as a weak spot, due to the sheer height of the superstructure, it is very difficult to hit the weak spot. Typical sloped frontal armour gains effectiveness when the vehicle is parked on a ramp, but loses effectiveness when the vehicle is flanked from a higher terrain. Medium sized gun mantlet is quite strong, but the gun is placed more on the right hand side of the superstructure. This leaves the left side of the superstructure completely exposed to HEAT shells, thus being very disproportionate. The vehicle accelerates very slowly and is barely able to maintain 35 km/h on flat ground. The gun has poor accuracy, relatively quick aim time for a 152mm gun and mediocre damage per minute (DPM) & gun stabilisation. Monstrous HEAT shells have 395mm penetration, able to strike fear into the most armoured enemies. HE rounds are super effective against the lighter HTs and all MTs, this prevents the enemy from using side-scraping tactics and ignores the poor accuracy of the gun. AP shells are redundant as it has no other special ability other than having more shell normalisation. All 3 shells have terrible shell velocity and range. With view range that could potentially reach a whopping 500m and decent overall camouflage, it can out spot any vehicle behind thick bushes at a fairly medium distance. The vehicle might catch fire only when the engine that is located behind the superstructure is hit by medium caliber shells. The tracks have a terrible health pool and will often get destroyed, leaving the weak sides completely exposed and making the overall turretless system worthless.

General playstyle: The vehicle will always suffer at sniping enemies at a long distance, so it is always a good idea to follow HTs into the city. If the situation seems a little risky, support from the second line of defense. The vehicle is not to lead a push at all costs. In some special situations, temporarily leading a push is a good idea to keep the battle pace going and motivate the allies into helping each other. Once the push is lead, back off and let the HTs do their job. In open maps, try to keep some distance and flank whenever there is a chance. It is also possible to passively scout to get assist damage. Also try to blindly shoot at all common bushes at different intervals of the battle. When one side of the map has fallen, always push to the other side of the map and eliminate anything there before the other enemies arrive. In situations where there is a deadlock between HTs in the city, use HE shells and destroy the enemy's tracks, tempting them to use their repair pack. Enemies will receive a considerable amount of damage and will be scared to use side-scraping tactics. In some maps it is always a good idea to use common TD positions to passively help the allies, then follow the allies and use HP. When engaging other enemies at a hilly terrain, always try to move up and down the slope to increase armour effectiveness. Try to stay at the same terrain height as the enemy.


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