It was delayed by nearly half a year, the SU-130PM has high standards at 3000 damage for the 3rd mark. The SU-130PM has outstanding camouflage values, damage per shot, and gun elevation angles. The SU-130PM also has a limited traversable turret, like the T28 Prototype. This leaves the SU-130PM with a disadvantageous close combat capability compared to the Skorpion. The SU-130PM catches on fire very easily when the frontal hull armour is hit, coupled with a small pool of HP and nearly zero armour everywhere, has overall poor survivability and is a fragile vehicle. With an underpowered engine, the SU-130PM has terrible acceleration and does not keep up at its top speed of 60 km/h on flat ground and overall speed is therefore somewhat underwhelming. Hull traverse speed is decently quick, so it is recommended to rotate the hull and turret for greater gun traverse speed. The gun has very respectable gun depression angles and traverse speed, it also has excellent strike potential with 52...