
Showing posts from 2016

T-44 Review

T-44 - Tier 8 Soviet MT Advantages: One of the few Tier VIII MTs that can effectively snap shot targets, combined with a vertical stabiliser it would be one of the best snap shotting vehicles in the game. Very high camo values - 33.3 stationary, 25.8 moving, 6.96 after shooting. Having 19.76 hp/t and 49.46 traverse speed, T-44 has high mobility and can maintain at it's maximum speed - 51 km/h -7 gun depression is great for a Soviet MT. Great accuracy - 0.32 with vents and BiA. Very fast turret traverse - 52.33 with vents and BiA. Low aiming time - 2.11 seconds with vents and BiA. Respectable damage output - 250 damage. Weak spots on top of the turret are way too small to hit. Disadvantages: Extremely poor shell penetration values - 183mm AP, 235mm APCR. Non-existent armour, turret is poorly armoured and many tanks at Tier VII can easily penetrate the frontal turret. Hull is bad everywhere, the slope doesn't help protection. Damage per minute is lower tha...

Jagdtiger Review

Jagdtiger - Tier IX German TD Advantages: Extremely high damage per minute, 3571 with vents and BiA, 3725 with food, vents, BiA. Very strong gun mantlet, up to 2000+mm effective armour. Reasonable damage output - 560 damage. Extremely high penetration - 276mm AP, 352mm APCR Waving the big gun left and right can block shots from piecing the superstucture sides. Decent gun depression of -8 degrees. Excellent accuracy, 0.3 with vents and BiA. 0.29 with food, vents, BiA. Fastest shell velocity in the game: 1300 m/s AP, 1500 m/s APCR. Excellent gun stabilisation on the move and hull traverse, snap shots are easy to hit. Very fast aiming time, 1.92 with vents and BiA, 1.84 with food, vents, BiA. Very high view range, 430m with vents and BiA, 450m with food, vents, BiA. Surprisingly high camo values for a big tank - 24.2 stationary, 16.1 moving, 3.93 after shooting. Extremely high HP - 2100 HP. Heavy weight and high frontal armour can make it a battering ram. Never catc...

MoE Formula Explanation

MoE Rise / Drop Formula MoE = ((Your assisted damage + Your own damage - Team Damage) / (Expected damage * 1.XX) * 95%) - 1 How the formula is made? Basic calculation of what you all already know: Damage you did by tracking/spotting + Damage you dealt - Damage you did to allied vehicles (FF) Compares the expected damage in with your damage in your current MoE percentage. Example: You are at 40% MoE and you did 3000 damage in Jagdtiger, your chance of MoE rise is higher, but when you are at 90% MoE and you did 3000 damage in Jagdtiger, your chance of MoE drop is higher. Compares your combined damages after 1 battle with the expectations of the minimum required damage to maintain your current MoE%. If the numerator is greater than the denominator, your MoE will increase. But if the denominator is greater than the numerator, your MoE will decrease. Compares your performance at your current MoE% with 95% (3MoE) to ...

NEW FORMULA (Under testing, unconfirmed formula)

Note: According to WoTLabs users and, team damage (FF) is also recorded . More FF = Harder 3MoE My 2nd calculation of percentage MoE % rise / drop ((Your assisted damage + Your own damage - Team Damage) / (Expected damage * 1.XX) * 95%) - 1 Note : Your MoE % = 1.XX                     93% = 1.93                 93.95% = 1.9395 I will use Jagdtiger in ASIA server as an example. Jagdtiger's average damage is  1803.93   (In the table below) EXAMPLE 1: Let's say you drive a Jagdtiger with  90 % MoE and you got  300  assist damage and  6000  own damage, but you FF teammates for 560 damage . Find out the percentage change of your MoE. ((300 + 6000 - 560) / (1803.94 * 1.90) * 95%)) - 1 = 0.59096...% Therefore: 90% + 0.59096...% = 90.59096...%          ...

3MoE showoff


3 Marks of Excellence Formula (BETA Formula)

My calculation of percentage MoE % rise / drop ((Your assisted damage + Your own damage) / (Expected damage * 1.XX) * 95%) - 1 Note : Your MoE % = 1.XX                         93% = 1.93                    93.95% = 1.9395 I will use Jagdtiger in ASIA server as an example. Jagdtiger's average damage is  1803.93 (In the table below) EXAMPLE 1: Let's say you drive a Jagdtiger with 90 % MoE and you got 300 assist damage and 6000 own damage. Find out the percentage change of your MoE. ((300 + 6000) / (1803.94 * 1.90) * 95%)) - 1 = 0.7461...% Therefore: 90% + 0.7461% = 90.7461...%                                              = 90.75% (rounded to 2 decimal places) ::Your MoE rise!!! :) EXAMPLE 2: ...