T-44 Review

T-44 - Tier 8 Soviet MT

  1. One of the few Tier VIII MTs that can effectively snap shot targets, combined with a vertical stabiliser it would be one of the best snap shotting vehicles in the game.
  2. Very high camo values - 33.3 stationary, 25.8 moving, 6.96 after shooting.
  3. Having 19.76 hp/t and 49.46 traverse speed, T-44 has high mobility and can maintain at it's maximum speed - 51 km/h
  4. -7 gun depression is great for a Soviet MT.
  5. Great accuracy - 0.32 with vents and BiA.
  6. Very fast turret traverse - 52.33 with vents and BiA.
  7. Low aiming time - 2.11 seconds with vents and BiA.
  8. Respectable damage output - 250 damage.
  9. Weak spots on top of the turret are way too small to hit.
  1. Extremely poor shell penetration values - 183mm AP, 235mm APCR.
  2. Non-existent armour, turret is poorly armoured and many tanks at Tier VII can easily penetrate the frontal turret. Hull is bad everywhere, the slope doesn't help protection.
  3. Damage per minute is lower than many Tier VIII MTs.
  4. Below average view range.
  5. Lightweight tank, suffers from ramming most of the time and it will hurt.
  6. Ammo rack and engine block is exposed and visible, and it has low durability.
  7. Driver dies every time when the hull is hit.
  8. Several modules can be damaged and many crew members will die simultaneously when hit at the center of the side.

How to play the T-44?

Starting with the basic configuration:

3 combos: [Vertical Stabiliser, Gun Rammer, Vents] ~ If you want to engage in close-quarter dogfights with other MTs and LTs, go for this combo.
[Vertical Stabiliser, Gun Rammer, Coated Optics] ~ If you want to be an aggressive spotter and love to hit-and-run, this combo is the best for you.
[Wet Ammo Racks, Gun Rammer, Vents] ~ The ammo racks are extremely brittle, use this combo if you don't like using up your repair kits on ammo racks that gets damaged at least 3 times a battle.

Large Repair Kit, Large First Aid, Automatic Fire Extinguishers

MUST HAVE: Concealment, Repairs, BiA, Sixth Sense (Commander), Smooth Ride (Driver), Snap Shot (Gunner), Safe Stowage (Loader)
Recommended: Recon (Commander), Deadeye (Gunner), Situational Awareness (Loader)
Can be considered: Preventive Maintenance (Driver), Off-Road Driving (Driver),  Jack of All Trades (Commander)


  • Flank enemies behind bushes. Always shoot behind 2 bushes to avoid being spotted.
  • Never go into open areas alone. Make sure that allied LTs confirm that no one is out in the open, ready to flank you down. When allied LTs have scouted that area and there is no one nearby, occupy that area immediately and try to spot the enemy from that area.
  • If you feel like running away because you are outnumbered, just run. Follow your instincts, look at the mini-map and find a location that is closer to your team mates.
  • Load APCR when sniping, AP/APCR when brawling and close range fighting.
  • Never expose your turret for too long when poking out to shoot. The turret is weak.
  • When in 1 vs 1 situations. Try to drive circles around the enemy. Remember: DO NOT GET CIRCLED BY THE ENEMY. You have the maneuverability and size to run circles around the enemy.
  • Don't play too aggressively. Only when enemies are of low HP, you can go in and start farming kills and damage.
  • If you can't penetrate bigger and more armoured tanks, destroy their tracks with AP shells. Allies with bigger and more powerful guns can help you destroy immobilised enemies.
  • See a low HP enemy? Kill it immediately so that you can fully concentrate on other enemies. (But don't force yourself to kill it, if you can't kill it, just ignore it for now)
  • And obviously, don't try hiding behind allied HTs because they would push you here and there. Instead, try going far away from HTs and support LTs.
  • Always try to kill enemies with high damage per minute. Leave the HTs alone and concentrate on LTs and MTs.
  • Close-quarter battle: T-44 vs T-54 LT + IS-3 (1 vs 2). Funny T8 SH fight. https://twitter.com/_Violence_WoT/status/809828879699279872

General Opinion

It is one of my favorite Tier VIII MTs. T-44 is one of my 3 main MTs on Tier VIII SH vehicles, (Type 59, T-34-2, T-44). It is highly aggressive but it can't fight as well as the T-54 LT in close-quarter dogfights. T-44 is built more for flanking and sniping but the T-54 LT is built more for brawling and scouting. I feel that T-44 is easier to play than the T-54 LT in some aspects and it is very easy to master the tank. A lot of people think that the T-44 is under-powered, but I strongly disagree. In clan wars, T-54 LT would replace T-44 because of greater speed and being more aggressive by having more turret armor and higher damage per minute.

3MoE @ 111 battles, 100% 3MoE @ 209 battles. T-44 love lasts forever!


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