MoE Formula Explanation

MoE Rise / Drop Formula

MoE = ((Your assisted damage + Your own damage - Team Damage) / (Expected damage * 1.XX) * 95%) - 1

How the formula is made?

Basic calculation of what you all already know: Damage you did by tracking/spotting + Damage you dealt - Damage you did to allied vehicles (FF)

Compares the expected damage in with your damage in your current MoE percentage. Example: You are at 40% MoE and you did 3000 damage in Jagdtiger, your chance of MoE rise is higher, but when you are at 90% MoE and you did 3000 damage in Jagdtiger, your chance of MoE drop is higher.

Compares your combined damages after 1 battle with the expectations of the minimum required damage to maintain your current MoE%. If the numerator is greater than the denominator, your MoE will increase. But if the denominator is greater than the numerator, your MoE will decrease.

Compares your performance at your current MoE% with 95% (3MoE) to get the percentage change of MoE% relative to 95% (3MoE). If it is a positive value, your MoE% will rise, if it is a negative value, MoE% will decrease.


This prevents the percentage change from exceeding 100% of its own value, otherwise the percentage change will be 2 times of it's own value.


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