NEW FORMULA (Under testing, unconfirmed formula)

Note: According to WoTLabs users and, team damage (FF) is also recorded. More FF = Harder 3MoE
My 2nd calculation of percentage MoE % rise / drop

((Your assisted damage + Your own damage - Team Damage) / (Expected damage * 1.XX) * 95%) - 1

Note: Your MoE % = 1.XX
                    93% = 1.93
                93.95% = 1.9395

I will use Jagdtiger in ASIA server as an example.

Jagdtiger's average damage is 1803.93 (In the table below)


Let's say you drive a Jagdtiger with 90% MoE and you got 300 assist damage and 6000 own damage, but you FF teammates for 560 damage.
Find out the percentage change of your MoE.

((300 + 6000 - 560) / (1803.94 * 1.90) * 95%)) - 1

= 0.59096...%

Therefore: 90% + 0.59096...% = 90.59096...% 
                                             = 90.06% (rounded to 2 decimal places)

::Your MoE rise a little...


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