Jagdtiger Review

Jagdtiger - Tier IX German TD


  1. Extremely high damage per minute, 3571 with vents and BiA, 3725 with food, vents, BiA.
  2. Very strong gun mantlet, up to 2000+mm effective armour.
  3. Reasonable damage output - 560 damage.
  4. Extremely high penetration - 276mm AP, 352mm APCR
  5. Waving the big gun left and right can block shots from piecing the superstucture sides.
  6. Decent gun depression of -8 degrees.
  7. Excellent accuracy, 0.3 with vents and BiA. 0.29 with food, vents, BiA.
  8. Fastest shell velocity in the game: 1300 m/s AP, 1500 m/s APCR.
  9. Excellent gun stabilisation on the move and hull traverse, snap shots are easy to hit.
  10. Very fast aiming time, 1.92 with vents and BiA, 1.84 with food, vents, BiA.
  11. Very high view range, 430m with vents and BiA, 450m with food, vents, BiA.
  12. Surprisingly high camo values for a big tank - 24.2 stationary, 16.1 moving, 3.93 after shooting.
  13. Extremely high HP - 2100 HP.
  14. Heavy weight and high frontal armour can make it a battering ram.
  15. Never catches fire, only when hit on the roof. (Tank is tall, only arty can hit roof)


  1. Terrible overall armour, front superstructure is weak to Tier VIII MTs and HTs.
  2. Flat armour all over the tank. Hull is sloped, but still easily penetrated.
  3. Big tracks can absorb damage, but the tank will lose HP.
  4. Difficult to sidescrape and angle tank, and will easily be shot.
  5. Terrible speed, ~30 km/h on flat ground with no terrain resistance.
  6. Terrible acceleration, 0-30 km/h = 7 seconds.
  7. -10/+10 gun traverse angles is quite small, making it hard to sidescrape.
  8. Priority target of arty, horrible driving experience.
  9. When hull front is penetrated, engine will be hit.
  10. When superstructure front is hit, ammo rack will be hit.

How to play the Jagdtiger?

Starting with the basic configuration:

Vents, Gun Rammer, Enhanced Gun Laying Drive.

Large Repair Kit, Large First Aid, Small Repair Kit.

MUST HAVE: Concealment, Repairs, BiA, Sixth Sense (Commander), Clutch Breaking (Driver)
Recommended: Recon (Commander), Deadeye (Gunner), Situational Awareness (Radio Operator)
Can be considered: Armorer (Gunner), Designated Target (Gunner)


  • Always, always, always point your front armor to the enemy. Never angle your tank because side armour is very weak.
  • Always blindfire at common bushes, Jagdtiger has the gun reload time to shoot all of the bushes before the enemy finds out.
  • Open field maps: Snipe enemies at the first few minutes of the game, then join HTs to brawl.     Always aim at other TDs and LTs, they are the main threats of Jagdtiger.
    City maps: Stay in the front line to spot enemies and destroy their tracks, other tanks behind you can shoot the enemy easily OR you can keep damaging the enemy and stay at the second line to take cover.
  • Load APCR when sniping, AP/APCR when brawling and close range fighting.
  • Use small repair kit only to repair engine, or repair tracks if the situation is critical. Tracks should be auto repaired by "Repair Crew Skill".

General opinion

It is a great tank to replace the "Jagdpanzer E-100" in Tier X strongholds. It is one of the few Tier IX tanks that can substitute Tier X (like M53/M55). Why? Because it's high damage per minute can compete against all Tier X TDs, but "Object 263" has slightly higher damage per minute. And it has enough health and reasonable armour to compete against some Tier X HTs and TDs. Although very slow and sluggish, it has high view range to aid sniping and survivability. The highlight of the tank is everything about the gun, great stats that outweigh some Tier X tanks.

My hate of Jagdtiger is slowly turning into pure love for strange reasons...


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